Explore Accolade’s solutions
Improve your employees’ health outcomes and lower your healthcare costs in a single platform
Care across the board
A truly powerful, personalized healthcare platform.
24/7 Frontline Care Team. It’s a long-term relationship.
Our Care Team knows your people and their families. We help them navigate the healthcare system to provide the right care for their needs.
Care EQ builds trust
We combine data, clinical assessments and personal empathy to thoughtfully discuss care options with people.
True Health Engine. The right data.
Our 24/7 Care Team is supported by a powerful AI engine that combines data from multiple sources, making thousands of tiny adjustments to help members.
True Health Dashboard
We use population health data to help you identify how you can best support your people and save on costs.
Delivering better outcomes
“I have been an RN for 58 years. Accolade Care soothed my nerves, renewed my script, and I simply love Dr. Wade.”
— Jean T.
“Putting the patient at the center of care should be the focus — it should always be about the people and providing the right whole-person care.”
— Dr. James Wantuck
Medical Doctors
“In a world where so much is going on, I was able to provide help to one woman and make her feel like her situation deserves a good dose of care.”
— Accolade Care Team member
24/7 Care Team
“You have a medical expert right at your fingertips. You’re able to engage immediately — providing a lot of hope and confidence you’re on the right track with your medical care.”
— Matt Hall, Koch Global Services
HR administrators
Real results you can see
Healthcare access
91% of Accolade members say it is easy to access a high-quality doctor or hospital, while only 73% of non-members say the same.
More cost savings
Compared to the matched multi-employer controls in 2018 and 2019, all six [customers audited] experienced reductions in cost levels and lower year-over-year trends compared to market.” - AON study
Manage claims
91% of Accolade members reported that it is easy to manage insurance claims, compared to just 69% of non-members who said the same. [1]